Saturday, April 17, 2010

Roger's Flikr Stream

There are some older shots here, but most of them are photos I took after our gallery tour. I tried my hand at shooting from the hip at Saturday Market. My exposure was set too low on many of the shots. View the photos.


  1. Roger, my favorites are the woman drinking pepsi and the guy yawning -- actually I think the grain adds to the feeling of tension and unpleasantness of the photos. there is a kind of "rawness" and true "candid" feeling to these and some of others that I particularly like. Nice to see myself a little later in the slide show, though I wouldn't include this as a great 'street shot' (smile)

  2. ps, the first one also has that same "gritty, real life" quality. and the one of the woman with pepsi and other woman, that is a really striking image -- definitely the best of them all!
