Friday, April 9, 2010

Books on RAW processing

Anyone have any suggestions for learning more about RAW processing? I'm totally comfortable working with images once I get them into Photoshop, but I feel like I'm fumbling around with RAW processing settings in Aperture. So if you've got a favorite book that teaches the ins and outs of getting the most from RAW files, I'd love to hear about it. If your suggestions are Aperture specific, all the better, but that probably isn't essential.

Thanks a lot,


  1. Erik, I wish I knew more about Raw processing in Aperture -- and a book to recommend. I use the Raw Processer in CS3 -- that's about as far as I've gotten -- works fine for me - -but I don't shoot too much digital. I hope other folks will respond.

  2. Erik,
    not a book, but NewSpace has a workshop on Raw. Here's the info. I took a class from Mark Fitzgerald and he's a good teacher.

    Introduction to RAW
    Tuesday, May 4th

    In this seminar, you'll explore the exciting world of RAW with Adobe Certified Photoshop Expert Mark Fitzgerald. You'll learn how RAW files work as "digital negatives" and allow you to be more flexible and creative than you ever could be with JPEG files. You'll also learn how to successfully convert RAW files to best take advantage of the huge amount of data they contain. This workshop is a must for anyone serious about producing high-quality digital images.

    To register you can call 503-963-1935,

  3. Great, Roger. sounds like a good deal, maybe even better than buying a book!

  4. Thanks, Roger. I didn't see your reply until just now.

